SR |
Create Water
| Conjuration
| 2 gallons of water/level
| Close
| 1 action
| Instantaneous
| V S
| None
| No
Cure Minor Wounds
| Conjuration
| creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| Instantaneous
| V S
| Will half (Harmless)
| Yes (Harmless)
Detect Magic
| Universal
| Quarter Circle
| 60 feet
| 1 action
| Concentration up to 1 minute/level (D)
| V S
| None
| No
Detect Poison
| Divination
| one creature object or 5' cube
| Close
| 1 action
| Instantaneous/10 minutes per target HD
| V S
| None
| No
| Divination
| Creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 1 minute or until discharged
| V S
| None
| Yes
Inflict Minor Wounds
| Necromancy
| Creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| Instantaneous
| V S
| Will half
| Yes
| Evocation
| Object touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 10 minutes/level (D)
| V M DF
| None
| No
| Transmutation
| One object of up to 1 pound
| 10 feet
| 1 action
| Instantaneous
| V S
| Will negates (Harmless object)
| Yes (Harmless object)
Purify Food and Drink
| Universal
| 1 cu ft/level of contaminated food and water
| 10 feet
| 1 action
| Instantaneous
| V S
| Will negates (object)
| Yes (object)
Read Magic
| Universal
| You
| Personal
| 1 action
| 10 minutes/level
| V S F
| None
| No
| Abjuration
| Creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 1 minute
| V S M DF
| Will negates (Harmless)
| Yes (Harmless)
| Transmutation
| Creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 1 minute
| V S DF
| Will (Harmless)
| Yes (Harmless)
| Enchantment
| 50' radius
| 50 feet
| 1 action
| 1 minute/level
| V S DF
| Will negates
| Yes
| Enchantment
| Allies within 50'
| 50 feet
| 1 action
| 1 minute/level
| V S DF
| None
| Yes (Harmless)
Bless Water
| Transmutation
| Flask of water
| Touch
| 1 minute
| Instantaneous
| V S M
| Will negates (object)
| Yes (object)
Burial Blessing
| Abjuration
| Corpse touched
| Touch
| 10 minutes
| Permanent
| V S M XP
| Will negates (see text)
| Yes
Cause Fear
| Necromancy
| one living creature
| Close
| 1 action
| 1d4 rounds
| V S
| Will negates
| Yes
| Enchantment
| one living creature
| Close
| 1 action
| 1 round
| V
| Will negates
| Yes
Comprehend Languages
| Divination
| You
| Personal
| 1 action
| 10 minutes/level
| V S M DF
| None
| No
Cure Light Wounds
| Conjuration
| creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| Instantaneous
| V S
| Will half (Harmless)
| Yes (Harmless)
Curse Water
| Transmutation
| Flask of water
| Touch
| 1 minute
| Instantaneous
| V S M
| Will negates (object)
| Yes (object)
| Necromancy
| Quarter Circle
| Close
| 1 action
| 10 minutes/level
| V S
| None
| No
Detect Chaos
| Divination
| Quarter Circle
| 60 feet
| 1 action
| Concentration up to 10 minutes/level (D)
| V S DF
| None
| No
Detect Evil
| Divination
| Quarter Circle
| 60 feet
| 1 action
| Concentration up to 10 minutes/level (D)
| V S DF
| None
| No
Detect Good
| Divination
| Quarter Circle
| 60 feet
| 1 action
| Concentration up to 10 minutes/level (D)
| V S DF
| None
| No
Detect Law
| Divination
| Quarter Circle
| 60 feet
| 1 action
| Concentration up to 10 minutes/level (D)
| V S DF
| None
| No
Detect Undead
| Divination
| Quarter Circle
| 60 feet
| 1 action
| Concentration up to 1 minute/level (D)
| V S M DF
| None
| No
Divine Favor
| Evocation
| You
| Personal
| 1 action
| 1 minute
| V S DF
| None
| No
| Enchantment
| One living creature
| Medium
| 1 action
| 1 minute/level
| V S DF
| Will negates
| Yes
Endure Elements
| Abjuration
| Creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 24 hours
| V S
| None
| Yes
Entropic Shield
| Abjuration
| You
| Personal
| 1 action
| 1 minute/level
| V S
| None
| No
[Travel]Expeditious Retreat
| Transmutation
| You
| Personal
| 1 action
| 1 minute/level (D)
| V S
| None
| No
Faith Healing
| Conjuration
| Creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| Instantaneous
| V S
| Will half (harmless)
| Yes (harmless)
| Evocation
| Creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| Instantaneous
| V S
| None
| Yes
Inflict Light Wounds
| Necromancy
| Creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| Instantaneous
| V S
| Will half
| Yes
Invisibility to Undead
| Abjuration
| One touched creature/level
| Touch
| 1 action
| 10 minutes/level (D)
| V S DF
| Will negates
| Yes
Magic Stone
| Transmutation
| Up to 3 pebbles touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 30 minutes or until discharged
| V S DF
| Will negates (Harmless)
| Yes (Harmless)
Magic Weapon
| Transmutation
| Weapon touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 1 minute/level
| V S DF
| Will negates (Harmless)
| Yes (Harmless)
Obscuring Mist
| Conjuration
| Cloud centered on you spreads 30 ft and is 20 ft high
| 30 feet
| 1 action
| 1 minute/level
| V S
| None
| No
Portal Beacon
| Transmutation
| One interplanar portal
| Close
| 1 action
| 1 hour/level
| V,S
| None
| No
Protection from Chaos
| Abjuration
| Creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 1 minute/level (D)
| V S M DF
| Will negates (Harmless)
| Yes (Harmless)
Protection from Evil
| Abjuration
| Creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 1 minute/level (D)
| V S M DF
| Will negates (Harmless)
| Yes (Harmless)
Protection from Good
| Abjuration
| Creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 1 minute/level (D)
| V S M DF
| Will negates (Harmless)
| Yes (Harmless)
Protection from Law
| Abjuration
| Creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 1 minute/level (D)
| V S M DF
| Will negates (Harmless)
| Yes (Harmless)
Random Action
| Enchantment
| One living creature
| Close
| 1 action
| 1 round
| V S DF
| Will negates
| Yes
Remove Fear
| Abjuration
| One creature plus one additional creature/four levels within 30'
| Close
| 1 action
| 10 minutes
| V S
| Will negates (Harmless)
| Yes (Harmless)
| Abjuration
| Creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 1 round/level
| V S
| Will negates (harmless)
| Yes (harmless)
| Abjuration
| Creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 1 round/level
| V S DF
| Will negates
| No
Shield of Faith
| Abjuration
| Creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 1 minute/level
| V S M
| Will negates (Harmless)
| Yes (Harmless)
Summon Monster I
| Conjuration
| One summoned creature
| Close
| 1 full round
| 1 round/level
| V S F DF
| None
| No
[Fate,Fate]True Strike
| Divination
| You
| Personal
| 1 action
| See text
| V F
| None
| No
Vision of Glory
| Divination
| Creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| One minute or until discharged
| V S DF
| None
| Yes
| Divination
| Creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 1 minute/level
| V S
| None
| Yes
| Enchantment
| Living creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 1 minute/level
| V S DF
| None
| Yes (Harmless)
Animal Messenger
| Enchantment
| one Tiny animal
| Close
| 1 action
| 1 day/level
| V S M
| None
| Yes
| Divination
| You
| Personal
| 1 action
| Instantaneous
| V S F
| None
| No
Avoid Planar Effects
| Abjuration
| One creature/level in a 20 ft burst centered on you.
| 20 ft.
| 1 action
| 1 minute/level
| V
| None
| Yes (harmless)
Body Blades
| Transmutation
| You
| Personal
| 1 action
| 1 minute/level
| V S
| None
| No
| Transmutation
| Wooden weapon touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 1 round/level
| V S M
| None
| No
Bull's Strength
| Transmutation
| one creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 1 hour/level
| V S M DF
| Will negates (Harmless)
| Yes (Harmless)
Calm Emotions
| Enchantment
| 1d6 creatures/level within 30'
| Medium
| 1 action
| Concentration up to 1 round/level (D)
| V S DF
| Will negates
| Yes
| Evocation
| 20' radius
| Close
| 1 action
| 2 hours/level
| V S M DF
| None
| No
Cure Moderate Wounds
| Conjuration
| creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| Instantaneous
| V S
| Will half (Harmless)
| Yes (Harmless)
Curse of Ill Fortune
| Transmutation
| One living creature
| Medium
| 1 action
| 1 minute/level
| V S DF
| Will negates
| Yes
| Evocation
| object touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 10 minutes/level (D)
| V M DF
| None
| No
Death Knell
| Necromancy
| Living creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| Instantaneous/10 minutes per target HD
| V S
| Will negates
| Yes
Delay Poison
| Conjuration
| creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 1 hour/level
| V S DF
| Fortitude negates (Harmless)
| Yes (Harmless)
| Evocation
| 20' radius
| Close
| 1 action
| 2 hours/level
| V S M DF
| None
| Yes
Divine Flame
| Abjuration
| 15-ft emanation, centered on you
| 15 ft
| 1 action
| 1 round/level
| V S
| Fortitude half
| No
Divine Zephyr
| Abjuration
| 15-ft emanation, centered on you
| 15 ft
| 1 action
| 1 round/level
| V S
| Fortitude half
| Yes
| Transmutation
| Creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 1 hour/level
| V S DF
| Willnegates (Harmless)
| Yes
| Enchantment
| Any number of creatures
| Medium
| 1 full round
| Up to 1 hour
| V S
| Will negates
| Yes
| Abjuration
| Creates a bubble around the caster that filters out toxic and noxious elements
| Touch
| 1 action
| 10 minutes/level
| V S M/DF
| Will negates (harmless)
| Yes
Find Traps
| Divination
| You
| Medium
| 1 action
| 1 minute/level
| V S
| None
| No
Fox's Cunning
| Transmutation
| Increase intelligence by 1d4+1
| Touch
| 1 action
| 1 hour/level
| V S M/DF
| Will negates (harmless)
| Yes (harmless)
Gaze Screen
| Abjuration
| Chance to avoid gaze attacks
| Touch
| 1 action
| 10 minutes/level
| V S
| Will negates (harmless)
| Yes
Gentle Repose
| Necromancy
| Creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 1 day/level
| V S M DF
| Will negates (object)
| Yes (object)
Hand of Divinity
| Evocation
| Creature touched
| Touch
| Not Given
| 1 minute/level
| V S DF
| Will negates (harmless)
| Yes
Hold Person
| Enchantment
| One humanoid of medium size or smaller
| Medium
| 1 action
| 1 round/level (D)
| V S F DF
| Will negates
| Yes
Inflict Moderate Wounds
| Necromancy
| Creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| Instantaneous
| V S
| Will half
| Yes
Knife Spray
| Evocation
| Cone
| Close (25 ft + 5 ft/2 levels)
| 1 action
| Instantaneous
| V S DF
| Reflex half
| Yes
Lesser Restoration
| Conjuration
| Creature touched
| Touch
| 3 rounds
| Instantaneous
| V S
| Will negates (Harmless)
| Yes (Harmless)
[Travel]Locate Object
| Divination
| 400' radius + 40'/level
| Long
| 1 action
| 1 minute/level
| V S F DF
| None
| No
Make Whole
| Transmutation
| One object of up to 10 cu ft/level
| Close
| 1 action
| Instantaneous
| V S
| Will negates (Harmless)
| Yes (Harmless)
Owl's Wisdom
| Transmutation
| Add 1d4+1 points to Wisdom
| Touch
| 1 action
| 1 hour/level
| V S M/DF
| Will negates (harmless)
| Yes (harmless)
Remove Paralysis
| Conjuration
| Up to 4 creatures within 30'
| Close
| 1 action
| Instantaneous
| V S
| Will negates (Harmless)
| Yes (Harmless)
Resist Elements
| Abjuration
| Creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 1 minute/level
| V S DF
| None
| Yes
| Evocation
| 3 ft radius spread; or one solid object or one crystalline creature
| Close
| 1 action
| Instantaneous
| V S M DF
| Will negates (object) or Fortitude half
Shield Other
| Abjuration
| One creature
| Close
| 1 action
| 1 hour/level (D)
| V S F
| Will negates (Harmless)
| Yes (Harmless)
| Illusion
| 15' radius
| Long
| 1 action
| 1 minute/level
| V S
| Will negates or none (object)
| Yes or no (object)
Sound Burst
| Evocation
| 10' radius
| Close
| 1 action
| Instantaneous
| V S F DF
| Will partial
| Yes
Speak with Animals
| Divination
| You
| Personal
| 1 action
| 1 minute/level
| V S
| None
| No
Spectral Stag
| Conjuration
| One quasi-real staglike creature
| 0 ft.
| 1 action
| 1 round/level
| V S DF
| See Text
| Yes
Spell Shield
| Abjuration
| Creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 1 minute/level
| V S DF
| Will negates (harmless)
| Yes (harmless)
Spiritual Weapon
| Evocation
| Magic weapon of force
| Medium
| 1 action
| 1 round/level (D)
| V S DF
| None
| Yes
Stone Bones
| Transmutation
| Corporeal undead creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 10 minutes/level
| V S F
| Will negates (harmless)
| Yes (harmless)
Summon Monster II
| Conjuration
| One summoned creature
| Close
| 1 full round
| 1 round/level
| V S F DF
| None
| No
Undetectable Alignment
| Abjuration
| One creature or object
| Close
| 1 action
| 24 hours
| V S
| Will negates (object)
| Yes (object)
Zone of truth
| Enchantment
| 5' radius/level
| Close
| 1 action
| 1 minute/level
| V S DF
| Will negates
| Yes
| Transmutation
| Object or objects with writing
| Close
| 1 action
| 10 minutes/level
| V S M
| Will negates (object)
| Yes (object)
Animate Dead
| Necromancy
| corpses
| Touch
| 1 action
| Instantaneous
| V S M
| None
| No
Attune Form
| Transmutation
| One or more living creatures touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 2 hours/level(see text)
| V,S,M/DF
| None
| No
| Illusion
| Living creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 5 minutes + 1 minute/level
| V S
| Will disbelief
| Yes
[Fate,Fate]Bestow Curse
| Transmutation
| one creature
| Touch
| 1 action
| Permanent
| V S
| Will negates
| Yes
Blessed Aim
| Divination
| 60-ft spread, centered on you
| 60 ft
| 1 action
| Concentration
| V S
| Will negates (harmless)
| No
| Transmutation
| One living creature
| Medium
| 1 action
| Permanent (D)
| V
| Fortitude negates
| Yes
Briar Web
| Transmutation
| Plants in a 40-ft-radius spread
| Medium (100 ft + 10 ft/level)
| 1 action
| 1 minute/level
| V S DF
| See text
| No
Chain of Eyes
| Divination
| Living creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 1 hour/level
| V S
| Will negates
| Yes
Circle Dance
| Divination
| You
| Personal
| 1 minute
| Instantaneous
| V S
| None
| No
| Necromancy
| living creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| Instantaneous
| V S
| Fortitude negates
| Yes
Continual Flame
| Evocation
| object
| Touch
| 1 action
| Permanent
| V S M
| None
| No
Create Food and Water
| Conjuration
| Food and water for 3 humans
| Close
| 10 minutes
| 24 hours
| V S
| None
| No
Cure Serious Wounds
| Conjuration
| creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| Instantaneous
| V S
| Will half (Harmless)
| Yes (Harmless)
Curse of the Brute
| Transmutation
| Creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 1 round/level
| V S
| Fortitude negates
| Yes
Dark Way
| Illusion
| One bridge of force
| Close
| 1 action
| 1 round/level
| V S DF
| None
| Yes
| Evocation
| Flame in your palm
| 0 ft.
| 1 action
| 1 round/level
| V S
| None
| Yes
| Evocation
| object touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 10 minutes/level
| V S
| None
| No
Deeper Darkness
| Evocation
| Object touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 1 day/level
| V S
| None
| No
Dispel Magic
| Abjuration
| One spellcaster, creature or object or 30' radius
| Medium
| 1 action
| Instantaneous
| V S
| None
| No
Flame of Faith
| Evocation
| Nonmagical weapon touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 1 round/level
| V S M
| None
| No
| Transmutation
| Creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 10 minutes/level
| V S F DF
| None
| Yes (Harmless)
| Abjuration
| 10 ft. radius emanation
| 10 ft.
| 1 full round
| 1 minute/level
| V S DF
| Will negates
| Yes
Glyph of Warding
| Abjuration
| Object touched or up to 5 sq. ft/level
| Touch
| 10 minutes
| Permanent until discharged
| V S M
| Special
| Yes (object)
Helping Hand
| Evocation
| Ghostly hand
| Five miles
| 1 action
| 1 hour/level
| V S DF
| None
| No
Inflict Serious Wounds
| Necromancy
| Creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| Instantaneous
| V S
| Will half
| Yes
Interplanar Message
| Evocation
| One creature
| see text
| 1 action
| 1 round (see text)
| V,S
| Will negates (harmless)
| Yes (harmless)
Invisibility Purge
| Evocation
| You
| Personal
| 1 action
| 1 minute/level (D)
| V S
| None
| No
Lesser Telepathic Bond
| Divination
| You and one willing creature within 30 ft
| 30 ft
| 1 action
| 10 minutes/level
| V S
| None
| No
Locate Object
| Divination
| 400' radius + 40'/level
| Long
| 1 action
| 1 minute/level
| V S F DF
| None
| No
Mace of Odo
| Evocation
| Mace of force
| 0 ft.
| 1 full round
| 1 round/level
| V S DF
| Fortitude negates
| Yes
Magic Circle against Chaos
| Abjuration
| Creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 1 minute/level
| V S M DF
| Will negates (Harmless)
| Yes (Harmless)
Magic Circle against Evil
| Abjuration
| Creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 1 minute/level
| V S M DF
| Will negates (Harmless)
| Yes (Harmless)
Magic Circle against Good
| Abjuration
| Creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 1 minute/level
| V S M DF
| Will negates (Harmless)
| Yes (Harmless)
Magic Circle against Law
| Abjuration
| Creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 1 minute/level
| V S M DF
| Will negates (Harmless)
| Yes (Harmless)
Magic Vestment
| Transmutation
| Armor or shield touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 1 hour/level
| V S DF
| Will negates (Harmless)
| Yes (Harmless)
Mass Resist Elements
| Abjuration
| As Resist Elements except effecting a group
| Touch
| 1 action
| 1 minute/level
| V S DF
| None
| Yes
Meld into Stone
| Transmutation
| You
| Personal
| 1 action
| 10 minutes/level
| V S DF
| None
| No
Mystic Lash
| Evocation
| Electric whip
| 0 ft.
| 1 action
| 1 round/level
| V S DF
| Fortitude negates
| Yes
Negative Energy Protection
| Abjuration
| Living creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 1 round/level
| V S
| Will negates (Harmless)
| Yes (Harmless)
Obscure Object
| Abjuration
| One object touched of up to 100 lbs/level
| Touch
| 1 action
| 8 hours
| V S M DF
| Will negates (object)
| Yes (object)
Positive Energy Protection
| Abjuration
| Creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 1 round/level
| V,S
| Will negates (harmless)
| Yes
| Conjuration
| All allies and foes within 30' radius
| 30 feet
| 1 action
| 1round/level
| V S DF
| None
| Yes
Protection from Elements
| Abjuration
| Creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 24 hours
| V S
| None
| Yes
Remedy Moderate Wounds
| Conjuration
| One living creature
| Touch
| 1 action
| 10 rounds + 1 round/2 levels
| V S
| Will negates (harmless)
| Yes (harmless)
Remove Blindness/Deafness
| Conjuration
| Creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| Instantaneous
| V S
| Fortitude negates (Harmless)
| Yes (Harmless)
Remove Curse
| Abjuration
| Creature or item touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| Instantaneous
| V S
| Will negates (Harmless)
| Yes (Harmless)
Remove Disease
| Conjuration
| Creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| Instantaneous
| V S
| Fortitude negates (Harmless)
| Yes (Harmless)
| Abjuration
| You or creature touched
| Personal or Touch
| 1 action
| 10 minutes/level
| V,S
| None or Will negates (harmless)
| No or Yes (harmless)
Searing Light
| Evocation
| Ray
| Medium
| 1 action
| Instantaneous
| V S
| None
| Yes
Speak with Dead
| Necromancy
| One dead creature
| 10 feet
| 10 minutes
| 1 minute/level
| V S DF
| Will negates
| No
Speak with Plants
| Divination
| You
| Personal
| 1 action
| 1 minute/level
| V S
| None
| No
| Transmutation
| Wooden weapon touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 1 hour/level
| V S M
| None
| No
Stone Shape
| Transmutation
| Stone or stone object touched up to 10 cu ft + 1 cu ft/level
| Touch
| 1 action
| Instantaneous
| V S M DF
| None
| No
Summon Monster III
| Conjuration
| One summoned creature
| Close
| 1 full round
| 1 round/level
| V S F DF
| None
| No
Sweet Water
| Divination
| A well shaft, 10 ft diameter, up to 100 ft deep
| Long (400 ft + 40 ft/level)
| 1 action
| Instantaneous
| V S M
| None
| No
Sword Stream
| Evocation
| 5 ft wide out to limit of range
| Close (25 ft + 5 ft/2 levels)
| 1 action
| Instantaneous
| V S
| Reflex half
| Yes
Understand Device
| Divination
| You
| Close
| 1 action
| 1 minute/level
| V S
| None
| No
Water Breathing
| Transmutation
| Living creature touched
| Touch
| 1 action
| 2 hours/level
| V S M DF
| Will negates (Harmless)
| Yes (Harmless)
Water Walk
| Transmutation
| One touched creature/level
| Touch
| 1 action
| 10 minutes/level
| V S DF
| Will negates (Harmless)
| Yes (Harmless)
Weapon of Impact
| Transmutation
| One weapon or fifty blunt projectiles
| Close
| 1 action
| 10 minutes/level
| V S
| Will negates (harmless, object)
| Yes (harmless, object)
Wind Wall
| Evocation
| Wall up to 10'/level long and 5'/level high (S)
| Medium
| 1 action
| 1 round/level
| V S M DF
| None
| Yes
Zone of Respite
| Abjuration
| 30 ft. cube/level
| Medium
| 2 rounds
| 10 minutes/level
| V,S,M
| None
| No
Bolin Cook The Wanderer |
6' 3 inches
170 pounds
Serious, black eyes in dark sockets
Dark pale
Dresses in black Soft voice, undecicable age
A bit like Mr Anderson in Matrix,
Spoken Style |
Description |
Dark clad, dark haired Bolin Cook is easy to overlook among people. Walking about in his own business carrying his holy symbol openly, he is often left in peace by officials as well as the underworld. But should some ignorent think of this lonely, dark wanderer as an easy victim, the scythe in his hand is often enough to warn that he is not at all what he looks like at the first glance.
He is kind and polite.
After having fought a small outbreak of undead about a month ago, Bolin is looking for his next duty. Kelemvor has been kind and allowed Bolin a small holyday, to recover from the horrors of that last duty. But now, Bolin grows restless. The desire to serve is rising within him. Bolin seeks out the church; more often than not, Kelemvor speaks to him through the church.
Strange, some would say, that the god of Death would be served by a man, who so loves life. But they have not seen Bolin in battle... They have not seen Bolin fight the enemies of Kelemvor.
Kelemvor kneels before Izanami: "This servant of yours, Bolin Cook, he has passed the test. It is time for him to
prove that he will serve well", "Yes, my Lady."
Public description:
Bolin wears a chain mail, a cloak, a small steel shield, a scythe and a crossbow. His fondness of black clothes and equipment is evident: All except all without exception are black. He seems to be able to find in the blackness any number of colours and moods.
He stands tall, has dark eyesockets back in the head, dark hair and dark eyes. He is clearly a priest, carrying a holy symbol of an upright skeleton hand holding the golden scales of justice. Ever so often, people are first relieved, then almost dissapointed, to see a human underneath this black cloathing, not the skeleton servant of Kelemvor that brings souls to the god.
This is the holy symbol of Kelemvor, the god of death. A just god that promises a fair treatment in the afterlife. The church work among the living handling funerals, last wills and orphans.
The god is a sworn enemy of undead and destruction as well as effords on living forever.
Home |
, Biography |
Parents killed, when he was a child of two years. Found among the belongings of the clerics of Kelemvor, God of Death.
The clerics raised him and found that he was blessed by Kelemvor: he was chosen.